
Add task
Firm Wolphin Business Solutions
Period Name Third
Period 2023-05-31/ 2023-05-31
Budget 0.0
Expected Work Hours

Wolphin Business Solutions

limited_liability_company المسجلين بالبورصة
Phone 01002717050
Nature Of Business AI based Comapny
Relationship With Individuals المالك هو المدير
Legal advisor Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
Taxing advisor Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
Book keeping floatbooks itself
Notes تأسست الشركة منذ عام ٢٠١٤ في تخصص تطوير الاعمال واستخدام ادوات الذكاء الاصطناعي
Name job ownership percent
Muhammad elashry Professor 25
Maher Saif Engineer 5
Naief Professor 35
Fahd professor 35
Task Uploaded By Document Name File Type File Size
J,yr,uyru,yr,uy IMG_1691.jpeg image/jpeg 2283.2 kb
Task Name Type Level
Task Name Description Issue Date Priority Issue Type Members Status
get the trial balance here to invistigate isssue conflict in board 2023-05-21 low normal resolved
J,yr,uyru,yr,uy Conflict with board Luyrj,yrljyfulyfu,y,fulyr 2023-05-30 low normal open